Sunday, May 11, 2014

How To Introduce Yourself To New People

Did u remember when u first time entered your school?  You met several new people there. What activities did u do in the first meeting? Yes, you are right!!!! “introduction”. Every student came in front of the class to tell their name one by one. Not only student your teacher also introduced her name.
What kind of expressions to introduce yourself.

1.       Greeting
Don’t forget to say Hi, Hallo, or good morning to audiences
2.       Tell your name
There are two polite ways to tell your name.  For instances:
·         My name is john!!
·         Hello I am john
3.       Tell your origin
These how to tell your origin,                                    
·         I am from Indonesia
·         I come from Indonesia
·         I am Indonesian
4.       Tell your age
To tell your age you can say:
·         I am 17
·         I am seventeen years old
·         My age is 17
5.       Tell your hobbies
There are many ways how to tell your hobbies. Here the examples:
·         My hobby is swimming
·         My hobbies are swimming and playing badminton
·         I love swimming
·         I like swimming

“Hello, my name is john. I am from Indonesia. I am seventeen years old. I love swimming”

Note: don’t tell secret to your new friends Such as your ATM PIN, your facebook’s password, everything your social media account’s password because he will hack you. Not hacking but it’s kind of stealing your account. 
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  1. And the teacher will give you some follow-up questions such as are you married? wkwkwkwk
