Thursday, May 8, 2014

Smart and phone

Smartphone in modern era has been a primarely need for almost people inculded students. It brings new color to modern life. some benefits are given. The main conventional function of phone cell is communication. People can communicate even by long distance.
not only for communication, smarthpone also offers some features that support people needs. for instances. smartphone can access internet, play music, play video, and etc.
this the point of my article. Smartphone supports for learning english.
1. Dictionary
we should not bring a conventional dictionary because we have electric dictionary in smartphone. peoples say dictionary on your pocket. furthermore, you can use online transalator by your phone which support internet. Altough some translation machine sometimes translate error gramarian pramagtically. buti it helps. I beleive even an english teache,  he still uses a dictionary.
2. Listening
a smartphone definately supports sound player. what should u do with this software??. I suggest u to download a short or long conversations which are provided in some english website. take them as listening exercise everyday.
3. Reading Article
reading is one of english skill. you want to be good reader you must read frequently. so many english websites serve articles such as virtual book also takes a role to improve your english skill. Play store give u playbook for free. Play book as a software that can be downloaded in play store. For some books u have to buy about $13. Notice.that Free is available.
4. Watching video
Tough the screen of smartphone is not as wide as tv, watching on your phone can be alternative. Because we can watch everywhere everytime. Youtube channel is the popular site as place of videos worldwide. Because u learn english so u watch english. For example, conversation, video teaching, or whatever.
Those all for today wassalamualaikum wr, wb
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